tisdag 24 mars 2009

It still turns...

The other day I read a thing about Galileo Galilei.
He was put in front of the Roman Inquisition for having said that the earth was moving around the sun. The church did not like these thoughts.

He had to announce publicly that he had made a mistake and that the Earth was still the center of universe.

You can now call him a coward for recanting his words instead of facing the torture and eventually death. But he knew that it did not matter what he said.

Nothing could change that the world was not the center of the universe. He or the church could not say anything that would change that the Earth was not the center of the universe.

I would guess he was having a laugh for him self and there is roumors that he had said quietly at the end of the inquisition "it still turns"


I am in the library. I am writing on my first essay.

Immortality, or a greatly increased lifespan, will be possible as disease is controlled and ageing understood. What will be the ramifications for humankind of eternal youth?

That´s my essay question. Feel free to post any comments on that I know that my brother Oskar got something to say about that. I guess people get wiser when they get older.

Today I am having problems to concentrate. I am trying to hide from everyone. So I can sit and read and write for myself. I can´t blame anyone for disturbing me though. It´s I who does´nt wanna do something. I feel deserved of that. BECAUSE we had our first two test yesterday.
Chemistry was easy for me as I did it last fall in Sweden. Chiro was a bit harder but that was not because lack of studying it was because I and Martin was studying every bone and muscle in the body when we should have been studying fitness programs, bmi and stuff like that.

I got 7/10 on my first quizz, Martin got 6/10. That gave me a good laugh. Not because I got more then him but because he got so pissed.

Well I should really do some stuff now and be effective because the wind is coming tomorrow.

I am putting up a picture of a Tomping lookálike and a picture of a Mexican boy
Can you see the similarity?

tisdag 17 mars 2009

Movie nr 2

Tried out some stuff with my camera. Nils is in there somewhere =)

Need to study NOW!

Rotto camp

I wanted to go the foam party on my school on friday but everybody wanted to go to bed early so I phoned Laurenz. He was at a houseparty 20min from us.
Martin made me take my bike and go.
Good partystyle they´ve got here. Party had been on from 2AM, lot´s of fun people.
Ended upp staying there until 3PM!
Next morning it was time for the early Rotto-camp. Initiation for us 1st years.

Can´t really tell you much about what happended there. Lot´s of fun stuff what I have heard. They made us drink beer bong and have shot´s. Aussies can drink!

A scary thing though was that a guy got bitten by a shark like 200 meter away from us when we were the swimming. So today when I was kiting I kept close to the shore.

Oo yes I am eating my popcorn everyday. As my doctors tells me to do :)

Film 1

Just made myself a stativ. Filmed for an hour at woodies.
Jo styling it with the blind landings.

onsdag 11 mars 2009


Today me, Shane and Aaron decided to bring tequila to the party in Rottnest Island on Saturday. Could be pretty cool. We are gonna sleep over there. It´s a party for the Chiro students and I have heard rumours that UWA student are also going there.
On Friday there is a foam party for the whole school...wicked!

I am so thankfull that I got into Chiropractic and not sports science as I did from the start. My mates down here are into Sports science and they wanna be transferred the next year but just 1 out of 4 get´s transferred and they go strictly on your grades.
We had our first Chiro quiz today. Mark said it was going to be SOOOO easy but it was harder then I thought. I think I did okey on it with some luck ;)

On friday we have done our first four weeks in school and it´s time for our first school break. SPRING BREAK

Looks like it´s going to be wind 6/7 days so that will be nice. Will just go for a few hours per day though. Gotta study and I become so tired if I do full days.
Tomorrow will I go woodies with some people and film and on friday we are going to Safety Bay also to film.
I have this new thing I really want to learn. It´s a powered back2wrapped not passing just landing with speed and after 5 meters pop back. That looks so stylish I think and it´s not often you see kiters do that.

I repaired my board since my inserts were ripped out for the third time.

It´s holding together fine and I was teaching on it last week.
Virrans PRO kite school as Tove so nicely named it :)

My kiteschool is now up 20 dollar since my first two student crashed my kite and ripped it =/ Well there´s been more costs and I have gotten my paycheck.

After this studybreak on monday we have 2 assignments. One hour Chemistry and one hour Chi 109.

Shane pretending to be me

The team selling tickets for the Laulau Party

Shane my love and Liz the Lizzard

I am helping the girls with some cell biology

onsdag 4 mars 2009

But I mean

I my waken time goes to study. It's not always easy when all they do is speka english and they always take the big step forward in all subjects, we are suppose to know so much all the time.
The tempo at komvux i Gothenburg was a bit slower hehe.

tisdag 3 mars 2009

How good everything gets

Today I just realized when I was driving back home from the kite session how good everything is. This can be tough to hear when you´re walking in watery snow and freezing wind (not at the same time of course)

I live with 4 great flatmates. In a very nice house located where I always wanted to live, in an old hippie town. All my lectures and classes in school are interesting and after school I go out on butter flat water for a couple of hours.
Then I go home to study and on the weekends we go out.
It´s warm except in the morning were it gets a bit chilly but that´s alright.

Okey I just had to write this so sumtime in the future I can look back and remember how good things were.

PS. I landed another 20 back2wrapped today, it´s so got damn easy that my grandmother can do it. Just do it man.
1. Hold the rope between your fingers
2. Kite 35 degres
3. Good edge
4. Pull
5. Commit
6. HOLD!!! and pass