Today me, Shane and Aaron decided to bring tequila to the party in Rottnest Island on Saturday. Could be pretty cool. We are gonna sleep over there. It´s a party for the Chiro students and I have heard rumours that UWA student are also going there.
On Friday there is a foam party for the whole school...wicked!
I am so thankfull that I got into Chiropractic and not sports science as I did from the start. My mates down here are into Sports science and they wanna be transferred the next year but just 1 out of 4 get´s transferred and they go strictly on your grades.
We had our first Chiro quiz today. Mark said it was going to be SOOOO easy but it was harder then I thought. I think I did okey on it with some luck ;)
On friday we have done our first four weeks in school and it´s time for our first school break. SPRING BREAK

Looks like it´s going to be wind 6/7 days so that will be nice. Will just go for a few hours per day though. Gotta study and I become so tired if I do full days.
Tomorrow will I go woodies with some people and film and on friday we are going to Safety Bay also to film.
I have this new thing I really want to learn. It´s a powered back2wrapped not passing just landing with speed and after 5 meters pop back. That looks so stylish I think and it´s not often you see kiters do that.
I repaired my board since my inserts were ripped out for the third time.

It´s holding together fine and I was teaching on it last week.
Virrans PRO kite school as Tove so nicely named it :)
My kiteschool is now up 20 dollar since my first two student crashed my kite and ripped it =/ Well there´s been more costs and I have gotten my paycheck.
After this studybreak on monday we have 2 assignments. One hour Chemistry and one hour Chi 109.

Shane pretending to be me

The team selling tickets for the Laulau Party

Shane my love and Liz the Lizzard

I am helping the girls with some cell biology