It feels like many people in western society think about food, A LOT.
Food is everywhere and still, some people are obsessed with it.

I mean, it´s good to keep track on what you are eating. There is so much junk food out there, so you better watch out.
But it seems like as soon as you start thinking about what you’re putting in your mouth it has no stop to how much you can think about it.

Since the mind is always thinking about it. It becomes a big thing. People should instead try to listen more to their bodies actual need instead of their minds.
I just wanted to have that out of the way. What I want to write about is the error I see people do, that make me cry (not really but you get it).
The big bad carbohydrate that is turning you into a fat monster.

You feel good after your training session.
You are feeling that you’re on the right track, that you’re getting more fit and you don’t want to destroy the feeling by putting *!”€#&%/carbohydrates in your body.
If you really hate carbohydrates. It’s on one occasion where I really want you to eat them. It is post training. (post= after) The body makes use of them immediately.
If you ever want to live a more balanced life where you don’t have to think so much about what you are eating, do yourself the favour and eat carbohydrates after you have been to the gym, been running or whatever you do when you’re working out. Don’t go to bed after a one hour session and tell me you ate 3 hours ago.
If you do, it will come back to you and you will never be able to live that jingYang lifestyle.

1-2 grams carbohydrate per kg is recommended post training. If you weigh 70kg’s you should eat approximately 100grams of carbs. That is 1/5 of a typical spaghetti package (Not in America of course).
I am not an expert in nutrition so don’t take what I write to seriously but do consider it. You will feel much better during the day and the day after if your body get its deserved carbs after training.