tisdag 25 augusti 2009
Wont forget
Maste lysssna
Idag har varit en underbar dag. Har sovmorgon till halv 11.
Vaknade klockan 7 och det ar helt bla himmel. Tar inte ens pa mig natt, bara slanger in vatdrakten i bilen och surfbradan pa taket.
Kor de 10 minutrarna till Leighton beach och hoppar i. Inte manga har, 10st pa sin hojd. Alltid kul att hora efter vad de ar for nagra som ligger har ute en tisdags morgon. Alla som hamnar har brukar vara ratt lustiga (grov generalisering)
En jobbar som lecturer pa Curtin men dom har lov den har veckan, han undervisar Art. Jobbigt liv sager han och skrattar sta och visa hur man malar.
Sen kommer fina vagen, maste vart den basta for dagen och jag catchar den.
Det ar sa varmt ute att jag bara tar av mig vatdrakten, kanner hur solen steker pa mig. Satter mig utan klader i bilen satter pa musik och kor hem och fattar inte hur jag hamnade har.
Skona kanslan av att jag hela kvallen innan suttit och forberett skolan infor dagen gor att jag kan relaxa och stoppa i mig en banan. Tar en 2minuters dusch och cyklar ivag till skolan och kommer i tid...SWEET
torsdag 13 augusti 2009
Life right now

Pushbike to school
Be in school eat lunch check facebook go home.
2.30 PM: If I am lucky a lil kitesesh but otherwise study
Weekends are cool, I get to surf in the mornings and an occasional partynight here and there
So much new info in the beginning that everyone is home reading up on content.
Windy today means I get to kite, De e SWEEEEET!
AND yes that's me at Woodies
*Warning* schoolstuff
Cells are living in an aqueous solution (H2O).
The cell membrane however is made of a double lipid layer. Where the Polar head is made up of a charged group and its tail that connects with the other lipid is negative.
The tail consists of a hydrocarbon chain. Water molecules are so small that they can go right through the bilayer.
But molecules can’t go through it. Molecules and especially ions can be helped by a protein. The protein creates a channel in the membrane in which the molecule or ion can pass through.
Atoms link together to create molecules. They are considered inorganic so far.
For example Amino acids link together to form proteins which in turn creates parts of the DNA, membrane and so on which then create membrane and chromosomes. The next step is organelles within the cell and the final step is the cell.
It cracks me up (almost as much as Ali.G) to have a vague understanding of how we are built up, from the smallest atoms into molecules -> amino acids -> proteins -> DNA and organelles -> cells -> organs -> and humans.
It seems automatic. The blueprint was certainly not available 1 billion years ago. But today, small atoms form molecules because they have different valence electrons and so that’s where we have the amino acids. And they form into proteins, which in turn… yea you get it.
And when do these tiny atoms actually start to become aware of them selves, like our brain. It's wicked to read about this stuff.
Like some of it is so smart and well functioned that it’s straight out ridiculous.
Who came up with this?
Small tiny atoms and molecules that just could test their way forward they did’nt have any science lab and they don’t even have eyes or a brain for that sake.
If a tree comes out of one cell. Could we look at that cell and see that 12,4m above the ground the first branch will be at an angle of x,y.
How much information is actually in the DNA?
The tree is depending so much on its nutrition, solar hours and so on and on.
Well it must be the same with humans, we are born but the DNA just don't do that much?
(Question mark because that's just me guessing)
I asked my lecturer and we agreed on the fact the we actually don''t know how much that is inherited from the DNA and what's environmental factors.
/Some late night writing after a long reading session
Not 3dited or anythang but it was just for my self to get my head around what I just read
The cell membrane however is made of a double lipid layer. Where the Polar head is made up of a charged group and its tail that connects with the other lipid is negative.
The tail consists of a hydrocarbon chain. Water molecules are so small that they can go right through the bilayer.
But molecules can’t go through it. Molecules and especially ions can be helped by a protein. The protein creates a channel in the membrane in which the molecule or ion can pass through.
Atoms link together to create molecules. They are considered inorganic so far.
For example Amino acids link together to form proteins which in turn creates parts of the DNA, membrane and so on which then create membrane and chromosomes. The next step is organelles within the cell and the final step is the cell.
It cracks me up (almost as much as Ali.G) to have a vague understanding of how we are built up, from the smallest atoms into molecules -> amino acids -> proteins -> DNA and organelles -> cells -> organs -> and humans.
It seems automatic. The blueprint was certainly not available 1 billion years ago. But today, small atoms form molecules because they have different valence electrons and so that’s where we have the amino acids. And they form into proteins, which in turn… yea you get it.
And when do these tiny atoms actually start to become aware of them selves, like our brain. It's wicked to read about this stuff.
Like some of it is so smart and well functioned that it’s straight out ridiculous.
Who came up with this?
Small tiny atoms and molecules that just could test their way forward they did’nt have any science lab and they don’t even have eyes or a brain for that sake.
If a tree comes out of one cell. Could we look at that cell and see that 12,4m above the ground the first branch will be at an angle of x,y.
How much information is actually in the DNA?
The tree is depending so much on its nutrition, solar hours and so on and on.
Well it must be the same with humans, we are born but the DNA just don't do that much?
(Question mark because that's just me guessing)
I asked my lecturer and we agreed on the fact the we actually don''t know how much that is inherited from the DNA and what's environmental factors.
/Some late night writing after a long reading session
Not 3dited or anythang but it was just for my self to get my head around what I just read
Be critical
I had a discussion with some close friends the other day about what kind of chiro, doctor, lecturer, classmate or professor we did NOT want to have.
The person who is always right and always have an answer to every question even if he doesn’t know the answer.
A person who just talks,,, WITHOUT being critical to his sources or his way of understanding them.
Say you ask him if the foetus is sharing blood with the mother. He starts rambling on the subject even thou he does not know and when you tell him that you’ve just read up on the subject and you to tell him your opinion he just wont consider it.
I think it’s very unprofessional to not be able to say that you don’t know or that you cant be a 100% sure about this and that you have to look it up.
Many sources are unreliable, 50% of what we learn at uni. will be gone in a couple of years they keep telling us.
Realise that no source is a 100% and that is why you can’t hold on to your point of view with a 100% certainty.
It is possible that you might have misunderstood them.
Please be critical to everything and chill out.
And yes its okay to be wrong but in a school situation it's not that important to be right, rather say what you know and be open for a discussion.
måndag 3 augusti 2009
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