We have four units this semester (in Swedish termin).
Anatomy being the hardest one. I have heard a lot, but a fail rate of 35% is one of them. That means that 7 out of 20 fails this unit and has to do another year.
That's massive if it's true. OKAY I'm not going to be one of them.
Today our Dean of Chiropractic School lectured for us. It was so inspirational how he told us that to get MJ* good you should palpate 10 spines a day for the rest of your life.
* MichaelJordan
He screened Martin, it semed so simple. He spoke about how we are doing non-surgical operations with our hands on every patient (don't quote that word by word please).
HE said that you can pay the money, pass the units and get out of here in 5 years, get a job and probably get a few patients.
BUT if you want, you can dedicate yourself to this just like a sports star dedicate himself to his sport and play in the Olympics.
It is easy to play the piano, almost anyone can do it but if you want to play a concert you have to like it, dedicate yourself to it, put lots and lots of time into it and only then something of value will come out of it.
I have to confess that I've been kinda skeptic to this whole "chiropractic" thing.
It was so weird that one person with skills could actually, locate the problem and treat it and a person with no skill just giving a massage could not. When I'm reading it, it's not that weird actually. Especially not since I've learned a little bit of anatomy over here.
The skepticism starts to vanish the more I learn I guess. I do think its a good thing being a bit skeptic to it. I really start to like that our School is pro evidence based chiropractic. In the beginning I didn't like it. Probably since my dad use leaches and all kinds of magic but HEY I do think that there is a lot of wisdom and techniques out there that really works but too many people are trying to make money out of it without really knowing what they do. Then one bogus-Chiropractor can make it sour for everybody. To be a serious profession you got to be able to back it up with a bit of evidence, which should not even be that hard if it works HEY.
One of the things I want to implement when I start practicing is to explain to the patients what is wrong with them and what I'm doing so in that way I can teach every patient at the same time.
I still have a bit of skepticism in myself and I think that is a good thing since there has been and is probably going to be a bit of bogus within the profession. But I guess that goes with every profession, from dentists to car-mechanics. I do think that the big bulk of people are smart (I hope at least) and that they can smell out a un-honest car-mechanic from an honest one. One that actually enjoys repairing cars and therefore doesn't see it as a means to make money Of course it's important to make money but if you enjoy what you do that will not be priority number one and in that way the standard will be much higher.
HE also said while showing us, how you screen a patient for soft tissue tension or a misaligned vertebrae. You then correct it and when you screen the patient again that vertebrae should be corrected, otherwise you shouldn't be paid.
He said that the patient might be in more pain afterward. But that is just the nature of the beast.
He also said that it is possible to drive down to Rockingham and observe him in his clinic on Saturday mornings. In may (about 3 weeks) I'll try to get a few hours of observation time with him. I'm looking forward to this but before that, I want to have my anatomy down as well as 10spines a day.
So with having said that I'm going home to study Anatomy now but I'll still go for a surf early tomorrow morning :)
Have a good weekend, don't drink and drive and be happy - don't worry.
fredag 23 april 2010
söndag 18 april 2010
So don't know if I've written about it or not but I had some thought's today.
I got the Faculty Deans award for being the student who aggregated his marks the most from first to second semester in year 1. Well this isn't much worth if the effort I put in last semester isn't continuously improved. Yeah it is worth 250dollars in fact. TWOOOHUNDRED50 dollars.
This semester, first one of the second year has not been as good. I've had a bad feeling about this and was unable to figure out what it was. It eventually hit me.
I don't know about you, but I can't handle it. Nope. To me its just so damn addictive.
I've not logged onto it for 5 days and it makes such a big difference. It sounds like a small problem but it has been a peaceful couple of days. You don't need it.
I will still log onto it 2 days a week to answer emails. Uhh actually Anne my room mate logs me on, she's got the password.
This came in great time because its only 5 weeks left and its time to start study for our exams. Which begins in 6 weeks so from now on there's no alcohol or internet wasting.
I'll still go surfing, gym and go out and have fun with friends but I think that these stuff will benefit me in the long run.
Hahaha but everyone can talk, we now that, especially if you go to university ;)
We just have to wait and see how my grades turn out but it slowly feels like I'm growing up.
Will be cool to fly home and observe my dad during the summer, teach him a thing or two ;)
Haha don't think so yet but it'll be far more interesting since I know a few muscles and bones in the body by now.
I got the Faculty Deans award for being the student who aggregated his marks the most from first to second semester in year 1. Well this isn't much worth if the effort I put in last semester isn't continuously improved. Yeah it is worth 250dollars in fact. TWOOOHUNDRED50 dollars.
This semester, first one of the second year has not been as good. I've had a bad feeling about this and was unable to figure out what it was. It eventually hit me.
I've not logged onto it for 5 days and it makes such a big difference. It sounds like a small problem but it has been a peaceful couple of days. You don't need it.
I will still log onto it 2 days a week to answer emails. Uhh actually Anne my room mate logs me on, she's got the password.
This came in great time because its only 5 weeks left and its time to start study for our exams. Which begins in 6 weeks so from now on there's no alcohol or internet wasting.
I'll still go surfing, gym and go out and have fun with friends but I think that these stuff will benefit me in the long run.
Hahaha but everyone can talk, we now that, especially if you go to university ;)
We just have to wait and see how my grades turn out but it slowly feels like I'm growing up.
Will be cool to fly home and observe my dad during the summer, teach him a thing or two ;)
Haha don't think so yet but it'll be far more interesting since I know a few muscles and bones in the body by now.
fredag 16 april 2010
lifelong tory
måndag 5 april 2010
Plugg break
Sitter har begravd i bocker. Pluggar anatomi for den kursen ar svarast och det ar den flest kommer faila i. Fail for mig betyder,,,ja jag vet inte riktigt pa natt satt borde det ju ga men det skulle kosta mig otroligt mycket for jag skulle blir tvungen att ga om ett ar. DARFOR forsoker jag vara serios med plugget!
Men som alla vet nar man sitter och pluggar sa ar man varldsbasgt pa att hitta pa andra saker att gora,,,tvatta, stada, skriva blogg, FACEBOOK.
Ska kopa en ny mobil om nagra veckor nar Xperia 10x kommer ut da ska jag borja ta foton och lagga upp. Just nu har jag inte ens en fungerande kamera.
Jag har blivit inbuden till en multicultural day och ska representera Sweden pa skolan. Jag har fixat en stor svensk flagga men skulle behova nagot mera. Antingen att jag teamar upp med de fa svenskar som finns pa skolan och gor kottbullar. Eller att Anne-Marte min ena roomie latsas vara svensk. Vad finns det som ar ubersvenskt?
Kanske IKEA och kopa godis
Jag har just lart mig att skriva med alla 10 fingrar, de e svin coolt och det tog mig bara 2 veckor av tvang sa om det ar nagot stavfel sa da ar det sa. An sa lange kollar jag pa tangentbordet men tvingar jag mig sjalv sa klarar jag faktiskt utan att kolla ocksa.
Faktiskt har jag jobbat en hel del och det har varit riktigt roligt. Instruera kiting maste vara ett av de roligaste jobben. Haha alla ar superstoked efter 5min.
Ska ocksa borja instruera stand-up paddle boarding nu sa smaningom ocksa aven fast jag inte testat det.
Sorry om jag inte hor av mig till Sverige sa ofta. Jag gillar er alla
Men som alla vet nar man sitter och pluggar sa ar man varldsbasgt pa att hitta pa andra saker att gora,,,tvatta, stada, skriva blogg, FACEBOOK.
Ska kopa en ny mobil om nagra veckor nar Xperia 10x kommer ut da ska jag borja ta foton och lagga upp. Just nu har jag inte ens en fungerande kamera.
Jag har blivit inbuden till en multicultural day och ska representera Sweden pa skolan. Jag har fixat en stor svensk flagga men skulle behova nagot mera. Antingen att jag teamar upp med de fa svenskar som finns pa skolan och gor kottbullar. Eller att Anne-Marte min ena roomie latsas vara svensk. Vad finns det som ar ubersvenskt?
Kanske IKEA och kopa godis
Jag har just lart mig att skriva med alla 10 fingrar, de e svin coolt och det tog mig bara 2 veckor av tvang sa om det ar nagot stavfel sa da ar det sa. An sa lange kollar jag pa tangentbordet men tvingar jag mig sjalv sa klarar jag faktiskt utan att kolla ocksa.
Faktiskt har jag jobbat en hel del och det har varit riktigt roligt. Instruera kiting maste vara ett av de roligaste jobben. Haha alla ar superstoked efter 5min.
Ska ocksa borja instruera stand-up paddle boarding nu sa smaningom ocksa aven fast jag inte testat det.
Sorry om jag inte hor av mig till Sverige sa ofta. Jag gillar er alla
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