Since I cut out facebook one and a half month ago I've been getting the best grade (HD) on almost every test and presentation. It's really ridiculous how much more I've learned and how much more effective I'm at studying these days.
Like today, studying for the exams, I would never be able to pull off a 10h day immersed in my studies. Every time I would be just a bit tired or unfocused I would go onto facebook and quickly check what everyone else was doing and if anyone had given me any comments.
Luckily its just me who use to have this facebook addiction ;)
But cutting it out is not for everyone I think, many people can deal with it much better then I could. But if you can't then do as I did.
My room mate still logs me in two times a week.
I do think that when you're studying with such an intensity you have to get out and do something fun otherwise you go mental or become really boring.
Today my fun will be running intervals and then have cheap pizza with some friends.
Hey can anyone comment on how good my written English has become?
LASSEEEEEeeee....show me you know how to write a comment please
I hope I never become more serious in real life then the silly retard I am because we are all going to die some day! pow