lördag 26 mars 2011

Study break

I've been writing heaps for the blog but I ain't satisfied with the stuff. Lots of brain stuff since I get more and more fascinated with the brain and nervous system as each day go by.
BUT I promised myself to keep posting so I can always update with what's going on in my life...

Went and saw this awesome guy Dr "S". That was really cool and it felt like I got a deeper understanding about what we actually do and how we do it.
Because if there is something I'm not gonna become its a B-shitter that don't know his thing.
I'm enough of one as it is as Sara so nicely pointed out yesterday ;)
It's easy to look at the surface of people, always try to look deeeeeep when you look at people.

Funny enough, some guy said something about Chiro "S" the day before I went to see him.
- I don't like him because he's rude, cocky not nice etc

But I do not care if he's rude, not treating me like a princess. Look deeper!
This guy was one of the best in his class, has practiced extensively, acquired the most precious skills. That's what I'm there for. I'm not there to be treated nice, I'm there to learn and I do not give a damn about him not being super nice to me and want to be my friend or whatever.

And yup' it was a really cool experience and that's the kinda skills I want.

From one thing to another, there is an O-lifting competition in two weeks. I might join that one and you can be sure that I will post the videos here!

Just gotta get my shit (uni) together and my shoulder needs to at least see the light in the end of the tunnel. But yeah I think I'll do it, maybe I can get a 50kg snatch and a 75kg C&J

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