torsdag 22 november 2012

Being a gardener

Sharing a bit of wisdom today...

Having a girlfriend is very similar to having a piece of land where you grow veggies.
If you water it regularly soil it once a year and pick all the weeds that are growing in it you will have plenty of good tasting veggies.

However if you don't pluck the weeds and don't water it regularly your piece of land will turn into...

Some people call this a bitch. But remember that it might have been your fault for not taking care of your piece of land. 

If your girlfriend has turned into a bitch over the years. See her as that piece of land. It will take lots of work, probably a few seasons (read years) if it's grown over a long time. You just got to pluck the weeds. i.e. force her to tell you what's up and then deal with it, water regularly and soil once or twice a year.

Are you going to man up and take care of the piece of land you own or are you just going to keep neglecting it? Up to you brother

fredag 16 november 2012

Working class hero

Earlier this year a friend of mine broke this song down for me

I liked it and started listening to it and now want to do my own interpretation of it

As soon as you're born they make you feel small
By giving you no time instead of it all
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all
Here he is pretty much talking about as a child you are not loved for just who you are but instead disciplined into behaviours that others want you to have. Taking away the trust in yourself and that you can figure out how things work and become who you want to become.
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
This is sarcasm. It is what you're told since day one.
But John probably realised that he had a love and talent for music and did not want to follow their plan.
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool
Till you're so crazy you can't follow their rules
Here's probably how he grow up. Disciplined with scare tactics instead of with love and trust in himself. 
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years

Then they expect you to pick a career
When you can't really function you're so full of fear
Here you've been in the system of abuse for such a long time, been shown day in and day out what behaviours that are accepted and not. In the end your brain is so full of fears that you can't connect with what you want to do in life. You do something anyways because it's what you're told is the right thing. No one trust in you that you can do decisions for yourself, not even you anymore.
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
Say you want to be a musician, writer or just hasn't got quite the same talent as your peers of adding numbers at age 10 and rather want to be wrestling and playing soccer, you will be ridiculed and looked down on. If that doesn't work, ADHD medicines will keep you in check.
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you're so clever and classless and free
But you're still peasants as far as I can see
These three lines are so well known and well quoted. Here I think he means that religion, sex and TV is what keeps you functioning, from not losing it completely. It keeps you quiet. Or possibly occupies you from doing what you really want. But you still think that you have some sort of free will and ability to do whatever you want but you're in fact so limited in what you dare to do because of the conditioning you've received. 
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
I remember my first teacher, she was a 60 something and a very nice lady which loved us all. Her name was Birgitta and I was around 7 when she told us that during the next 10 years we were going to learn a whole lot but that the most important thing was to develop a critical mind and always question everything. That stuck with me.There's room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill
This is the hope, that you one day can get to the top of the hill. 
But I think it's more hope of freedom then material.
If you learn to play by their rules and dismiss your own innate standards of justice and rightfullness you will one day be set free.
But in fact you already have this freedom today. 
The one thing limiting you is your own fear.
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
If you want to be a hero, well, just follow me

If you want to be a hero, well, just follow me
Okay let's think. Follow John Lennon or yourself? This is even more sarcasm. If you didn't realise it I'll give it to have to start listening to YOURself and learn to think for yourself and what's important to you.

måndag 12 november 2012


It turned out that my brother and I had read the book "7 habits of highly effective people" and mum had just had a course in the book though her work. My whole family decided to go through everything in the book and implement it in to our lives by discussing and giving each other feedback. It's a great book that is quite different from the rest of books out there. 

Anyways my brother is writing his master thesis at the moment. A couple of days ago he started viewing himself as a company. In which he's the boss. It's an interesting idea and I know that many professional writers do this to become more professional and to really separate work from non-work.

It's also a good way of viewing yourself very objectively. I was discussing this with him and I told him how I sometimes make difficult choices for myself. I imagine this little action man that I can control. Like playing Diablo, world of warcraft or any other fun game. What would I do with this little man to take him to the next level, to improve him? 

The question and answers become very simple. Off course I send him to a Toastmaster club so he can develop his public speaking abilities. I then send him to the gym for brain and muscle development. I have him eat only the best food. I have him have some fun so he can relax when he's not doing his work. All this is fun, it's like playing a video game with yourself.

Then I just transfer what I would do with him over to my life. And even though there's resistance in me to go and sign up with a public speaking course I just go. Because I know that is what I would do if there was no resistance in me.

I think humans are inherently trying to save energy and avoid uncomfortable feelings if there are no pressure on us. But if you want a lot of of life and live it on your terms you got to come up with a way of finding out what YOU want to do without letting the lazy you or anything else like society, friends or family get in the way and then just roll with that.

This is my way

onsdag 7 november 2012

Planning every week

Earlier this year my life was a bit blurry. It was taxing to not get any sleep plus a whole lot of other dramas. Now I'm back on track and I feel ready to tackle anything. It has been a good experience and I've taken lots of lessons from the whole thing. Never compromise sleep or rest for longer periods of time again.

One thing that improved my life a whole lot is that I followed Steven Covey's (7 habits of highly effective people) advice in that you should plan out your week ahead. 

He basically says that if you plan out the important things that has to be done in your life, then all the small things can slide around the big things. It sounded very boring and I already had a good well structured to do list so I thought this was just some silly thing but I knew that Steven was one of the sharpest minds around so I gave it a try and I'm glad I did.

I've been able to free up so much time. Gain self respect everyday as I do what's most important to me first. Stress levels are down. When you're done for the day you're truly off and can go and have FUN for real. I haven't found any other effective way to get out of that grey zone which has to be avoided like death, yack!

I got some big plans for life, many things to achieve, many books to read, many projects to finish. 

/Fortunate as few