söndag 13 januari 2013

A theory about raising children

I hereby say that the world is not as good as it could be and that lots of people go through un necessary suffering, anxiety and depression. I think we all can agree on that one. 

Our brain has two halves to it, the right side and the left side.

The RIGHT side is
Looking at the whole
Loving and caring
Feels connected with everything
It's the side that artists use when they draw and paint and create

The right side is also very neglected in western society. There is almost no focus on drawing or creativity. So the left side is very dominant in people in these days.

The LEFT side is
Making you feel like you're distinguished from the everything else
Good for abstractions
Math and science and following instructions

Jill Bolte said some very interesting things in this video

When you don't have a left side but only your right, you feel a connectedness and love for all there is yada yada yada...

Too bad then the educational system is on a crusade against the right side. The right side thinks independently of culture, rules, laws. It acts on instinct, it may even be your being.

The left brain has some excellent talent, it can follow instructions really well.

I understand why the educational system is in a war against the right brain and keeps pushing the left side to grow big. Because what would happen if people came to their senses?
And realised that all cultural and religious mind stuff is secondary to experience itself?

It would be way harder to control the masses, that's for sure. 

But maybe it's time...

Everyone says this is up to the individual but I think the government be a part of this. If they changed it up a bit. Waited with abstract thinking till children are around 11years old and ready for it and let them experiment and be kids, creating and cultivating a right brain side before we got into all the abstract left sided thoughts....

Just some quick food for thought
Bedtime over here in Australia