tisdag 17 mars 2009

Rotto camp

I wanted to go the foam party on my school on friday but everybody wanted to go to bed early so I phoned Laurenz. He was at a houseparty 20min from us.
Martin made me take my bike and go.
Good partystyle they´ve got here. Party had been on from 2AM, lot´s of fun people.
Ended upp staying there until 3PM!
Next morning it was time for the early Rotto-camp. Initiation for us 1st years.

Can´t really tell you much about what happended there. Lot´s of fun stuff what I have heard. They made us drink beer bong and have shot´s. Aussies can drink!

A scary thing though was that a guy got bitten by a shark like 200 meter away from us when we were the swimming. So today when I was kiting I kept close to the shore.

Oo yes I am eating my popcorn everyday. As my doctors tells me to do :)

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Du får inte bli uppäten av en haj
Lova oss det

Eve sa...

Bra att du bloggar och käkar popcorn! Du verkar ha det fett. Bra:)