Last Wednesday I jumped on the train to Goteborg. After a 45min pizza-stop with Linda in Herrljunga I meet up with my ex-flat mate and long time friend Linda and Nils.
I slept at Nils 18sqm apartment. You soon realize that he is a dedicated Kite and Wake rider. He got ton´s of gear from years back. It´s good to have if you ever need spare parts and I agree with him.
We slept after watching some nice movies and woke up early and took off to Landskrona for the competition.
It was gusty and it was 3 months since I kited the last time + I had been edging in the cablepark for almost 10 days so it was a bit sketchy. Did´nt land much in my heats.
Instead my leash broke in both my heats and I had to run for my kite.
Anton won both stairs today. He has really improved even thou he was good back then but this year was crazy. He does so many tricks, powered.
He threw such a nice grabbed KGB.
Grabs looks so damn nice, that´s what I am going to start to implement.
Next morning the wind came from another direction. Much smoother. I went out and did two back2wrapped in a row, another three s2blind´s.
My first heat was unfortunately against Nils. I landed a powered s2blind r2blind och some backrolls and I came out as the winner.
Next heat was against Calle. I think I actually did´nt land much against him maybe a r2blind but he had a really bad heat and did´nt land a thing so I won this one aswell.
In the final it was me against Martin who has won a couple of comps.
The wind was stronger and we had to be on out 9´s.
I think he had a bad heat, it was choppy and shallow. I landed some basic tricks and managed to throw a clean s2blind with lots of speed and I did´nt see Martin Land anything so I came out as the winner. SICK sheit I was stoked.
For the last stair Anton was clearly in the lead and me and Martin was just behind with the same point.
In the Semi I was up against Martin again. It was light wind. I borrowed Anton´s 16m and Martin was on his 15m. It was epic.
The yellow flag came up and after 3 seconds I landed what felt was a nice b2wrapped good speed away and everything. I went again and landed a R2blind, after I went for a powered s2blind but I crashed even thou it felt so good.
Landed one afterwards but crashed a b2blind and another back2wrapped.
Martin did a superheat and landed around 5 handlepasses including a powered kiteloop handlepass and he was the winner. Felt good anyways that I had done my best.
Was cool to see all the boot riders Dre, Pepä, Claes, Neven and Nils.
To me it just looks 1000x better with boots. It´s good thou that people are pushing this shit in different directions but I clearly know what I think looks better.
I hope more of the talents down there put them on, It´s so much comfier (and cooler ;)
Thank you Skånepågar for throwing such cool parties and Sourra for the Scoop sticker.
Puss å kram
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