YES I just ordered the boots. Mainly because I got a full time instructor job :)
And also because I was having such a sick session on Saturday. Woodies is on.
Yes can´t describe it to you if you werent there.
Sick shit, will get the camera going and the kicker will be built.
I am sick as shit but had to go to school cuz we had a group assignment that I had organized, I am in the library and got 40 degress.
Off to pickup Anna, MArtins sister at the airport and then get some sleepy sleepy time
3 kommentarer:
Finns de inte i vitt? det är mycket snyggare, tycker jag.
Jo dom finns i vitt och jag har option att byta till vitt men jag har ju vit bräda så då blir det snyggare med svarta?!
Ja ok då. Kör med svarta dåC:
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