fredag 4 december 2009
onsdag 11 november 2009
måndag 2 november 2009
Surf's up
Jag ar sjuk igen, undra om immunforsvaret maste byggas opp igen nar man flyttar till ett nytt land, plugga ar jag skit trott pa. Varfor blir man trott pa det just nar det ar exam times?
Jaja galler att sitta och forsoka enda for att man lar sig ju iallafall att sitta still och forsoka.
Men jag ar sjukt sugen pa att surfa sa pa onsdag ska vi ivag och kora.
Zach 18ar kom just forbi och beratta att han och nagra till i klassen hade haft en redig fyll hos sig och dom hade bjudit in en lecturer och han hade vart sa full sa han somnat ute.
Dom hade filmat det, han lararen ar 40ar och redig och ordentlig, kunde aldrig tro det.
Sen har vi just snackat massa om Hawaii, han ar dar ifran. Jag ska aka dit. Verkar coolt.
Om 1ochetthalvt ar ska jag dit i juli istallet for Sverige.
Nu ska jag dra pa sista bms labben och sen hem hem hem..
Yesterday I had 5 bowls of popcorn and studied from 8am to 8pm and then I was ready for bed.
This week will be rainy and shitty weather, perfect then I can study without being distracted.
onsdag 28 oktober 2009
The secret with uni
As I and probably many people believed, the less work you putted into school the more time you would have to do "fun stuff", your grades would'nt be the best but you would pass if you struggled some.
But the thing is that if you just put in some extra work then you will be able to understand what the lecturer is talking about, which means that you pick up on so much more stuff during the lecture. You can actually ask legitimate questions that are relevant.
You don't have to be nervous before a test because you know you've done your best and that is the only thing you can do.
I received a few good tips in the beginning of this semester. One was to write questions to myself and write the answers to them. When I got that tip I sighed and thought that that was just a little bit too much for me.
Even though it seems like hard work to do all that writing its actually a faster way (for me) to get things into head. So even thou it seemed like harder work it became a more efficient way to learn and it got me way better grades.
Questions can be dumb as well because its to myself I am asking them.
* What is a kidney?
* What does it do?
* What is a glomeruli and how does it work?
Don't fall behind and ask your self if you've done the work.
Then will have plenty of time for all the "fun stuff" and you will feel so much more entitled to do it. If you know the feeling on Friday afternoon after a hard week at work, it's spring and the sun shines through, then you know the feeling.
Do whatever you're doing properly and enjoi
But the thing is that if you just put in some extra work then you will be able to understand what the lecturer is talking about, which means that you pick up on so much more stuff during the lecture. You can actually ask legitimate questions that are relevant.
You don't have to be nervous before a test because you know you've done your best and that is the only thing you can do.
I received a few good tips in the beginning of this semester. One was to write questions to myself and write the answers to them. When I got that tip I sighed and thought that that was just a little bit too much for me.
Even though it seems like hard work to do all that writing its actually a faster way (for me) to get things into head. So even thou it seemed like harder work it became a more efficient way to learn and it got me way better grades.
Questions can be dumb as well because its to myself I am asking them.
* What is a kidney?
* What does it do?
* What is a glomeruli and how does it work?
Don't fall behind and ask your self if you've done the work.
Then will have plenty of time for all the "fun stuff" and you will feel so much more entitled to do it. If you know the feeling on Friday afternoon after a hard week at work, it's spring and the sun shines through, then you know the feeling.
Do whatever you're doing properly and enjoi
måndag 12 oktober 2009

Monday today, woke up 5.30 ate a banana and a can of tuna in the car och picked up the crew on the hill.
Bjarte was so tired so even the I whipped her with a towel she would'nt get up.
She screamed at me and was mad and she appropriately apologized to me in school a few hours later ;)
Two weeks ago I gave them a hand when they were moving to their new place (which it looks like I am moving into). They gave me this TRASHED surfboard.
It needed a few and another 10 patches.
It was about the right size for me though so I put some fibreglas and a new fin on it and it turned out pretty good.
I've got to the point that I catch most of the waves with my big 8.7 foot board.
Today I tried out this 6.6 board, it was almost like starting out on square one.
Caught a few ones but fell off when I tried to stand up.
Ohh and a PS. my life look just all fun but noone sees when I am studying the sunny days and have to turn down everything else or when I wake up at 6am just to get into my books. I have nothing to do at home else then studying so when I am home I am "always" studying so when there is some swells or wind I have earned to get out there.
fredag 25 september 2009
A video
I got a tripod the other day of e-bay sent from Hongkong.
Tried it out
First up is Anna, Martins sister and room mate. Then the view almost from where our house is and then I am down in Freo a quiet Monday afternoon and then there's some shots from last weekend behind the boat, nothing fancy but can anyone figure out where I got the lyrics from
Losenordet ar: min mellersta brors namn
Tried it out
First up is Anna, Martins sister and room mate. Then the view almost from where our house is and then I am down in Freo a quiet Monday afternoon and then there's some shots from last weekend behind the boat, nothing fancy but can anyone figure out where I got the lyrics from
Losenordet ar: min mellersta brors namn
söndag 20 september 2009
Sunday in Freo
I ripped out my inserts today. I get a new board on the warranty so it should be ready to pickup in the coming week.
Was bad until I rode home in my car and had to push my brake hard since the cars in front of me had stopped in the middle of the street, I see this girl coming behind me, she is able to stop behind me but the car behind her isnt able to so I can see the girls head whipping and I have to keep driving, can see them diving off to the side and gush I hope she was okey, looked nasty.
So keep your distance peeps
Was bad until I rode home in my car and had to push my brake hard since the cars in front of me had stopped in the middle of the street, I see this girl coming behind me, she is able to stop behind me but the car behind her isnt able to so I can see the girls head whipping and I have to keep driving, can see them diving off to the side and gush I hope she was okey, looked nasty.
So keep your distance peeps
fredag 18 september 2009
I had a lil sweet sesh on Woodies last weekend. Where I was perfectly powered on my 9.
Did some huge 5m Tantrums and even landed one to blind.
There's a wakeboard camp coming up that I am joining so hopefully the blind thing behind the boat, I am trying it out in 2 weeks
Did some huge 5m Tantrums and even landed one to blind.
There's a wakeboard camp coming up that I am joining so hopefully the blind thing behind the boat, I am trying it out in 2 weeks
yo dude
Got my ronix out on the water yesterday for a test ride.
Had a bit of concerns top start with since they were STIFF compared to my used LF bindnings. But after 10 minutes we were in love.
Finally I got those inverted front2blinds. Got some on films as well and the guy is going to put it up somewhere.
Heard a funny thing yesterday.
- You're always so lucky with our test, always guessing right
(Always when you hear that stuff you know you're on the right track ;)
Ok I am off to a busy weekend now
Had a bit of concerns top start with since they were STIFF compared to my used LF bindnings. But after 10 minutes we were in love.
Finally I got those inverted front2blinds. Got some on films as well and the guy is going to put it up somewhere.
Heard a funny thing yesterday.
- You're always so lucky with our test, always guessing right
(Always when you hear that stuff you know you're on the right track ;)
Ok I am off to a busy weekend now
fredag 11 september 2009
Friday inn
Have to be home and do some study today
Tomorrow there is a great chance that I will be totally smashed
Nicklas is coming back and there will be a group and yes I guess everybody is going for a session during the day, the wind looks really good. Sweet
I ordered a Canon lens and I am about to build my own DOF (depth of focus) adapter.
So that I can get a blurry background but still a clear foreground with my videocamera.
Tomorrow there is a great chance that I will be totally smashed
Nicklas is coming back and there will be a group and yes I guess everybody is going for a session during the day, the wind looks really good. Sweet
I ordered a Canon lens and I am about to build my own DOF (depth of focus) adapter.
So that I can get a blurry background but still a clear foreground with my videocamera.
måndag 7 september 2009
YES I just ordered the boots. Mainly because I got a full time instructor job :)
And also because I was having such a sick session on Saturday. Woodies is on.
Yes can´t describe it to you if you werent there.
Sick shit, will get the camera going and the kicker will be built.
I am sick as shit but had to go to school cuz we had a group assignment that I had organized, I am in the library and got 40 degress.
Off to pickup Anna, MArtins sister at the airport and then get some sleepy sleepy time
onsdag 2 september 2009
Seems like I am getting somewhere with the kicker.
Has to be at least 4,5m in length and 120cm wide.
A small inclined.
Built with pipes on a thin wooden base. Yes this will happen
Has to be at least 4,5m in length and 120cm wide.
A small inclined.
Built with pipes on a thin wooden base. Yes this will happen
Yes mum I am studying hard :P
I also had a sweet session behind the pier at Woodies yesterday. Did an inverted fron2blind which I have been having problems with since I have a hard doing them inverted fronts but I like them so much. Just saw a video before I went out with those init so wanted to try em out.
I'm in school now, doing some research for an hour and then I am about to hit Woodies with Sci and prolly some more peeps.
Ohh yeah I bought a new car. More to fix on then I realized but it was an upgrade for only 100dollar so I am still happy with it. Boght it cuz there is flowers on the hood of it :p It's a white ford falcon.
Today I feel like doing some huge backrolls nd try unhooked grabs
I also had a sweet session behind the pier at Woodies yesterday. Did an inverted fron2blind which I have been having problems with since I have a hard doing them inverted fronts but I like them so much. Just saw a video before I went out with those init so wanted to try em out.
I'm in school now, doing some research for an hour and then I am about to hit Woodies with Sci and prolly some more peeps.
Ohh yeah I bought a new car. More to fix on then I realized but it was an upgrade for only 100dollar so I am still happy with it. Boght it cuz there is flowers on the hood of it :p It's a white ford falcon.
Today I feel like doing some huge backrolls nd try unhooked grabs
tisdag 25 augusti 2009
Wont forget
Maste lysssna
Idag har varit en underbar dag. Har sovmorgon till halv 11.
Vaknade klockan 7 och det ar helt bla himmel. Tar inte ens pa mig natt, bara slanger in vatdrakten i bilen och surfbradan pa taket.
Kor de 10 minutrarna till Leighton beach och hoppar i. Inte manga har, 10st pa sin hojd. Alltid kul att hora efter vad de ar for nagra som ligger har ute en tisdags morgon. Alla som hamnar har brukar vara ratt lustiga (grov generalisering)
En jobbar som lecturer pa Curtin men dom har lov den har veckan, han undervisar Art. Jobbigt liv sager han och skrattar sta och visa hur man malar.
Sen kommer fina vagen, maste vart den basta for dagen och jag catchar den.
Det ar sa varmt ute att jag bara tar av mig vatdrakten, kanner hur solen steker pa mig. Satter mig utan klader i bilen satter pa musik och kor hem och fattar inte hur jag hamnade har.
Skona kanslan av att jag hela kvallen innan suttit och forberett skolan infor dagen gor att jag kan relaxa och stoppa i mig en banan. Tar en 2minuters dusch och cyklar ivag till skolan och kommer i tid...SWEET
torsdag 13 augusti 2009
Life right now

Pushbike to school
Be in school eat lunch check facebook go home.
2.30 PM: If I am lucky a lil kitesesh but otherwise study
Weekends are cool, I get to surf in the mornings and an occasional partynight here and there
So much new info in the beginning that everyone is home reading up on content.
Windy today means I get to kite, De e SWEEEEET!
AND yes that's me at Woodies
*Warning* schoolstuff
Cells are living in an aqueous solution (H2O).
The cell membrane however is made of a double lipid layer. Where the Polar head is made up of a charged group and its tail that connects with the other lipid is negative.
The tail consists of a hydrocarbon chain. Water molecules are so small that they can go right through the bilayer.
But molecules can’t go through it. Molecules and especially ions can be helped by a protein. The protein creates a channel in the membrane in which the molecule or ion can pass through.
Atoms link together to create molecules. They are considered inorganic so far.
For example Amino acids link together to form proteins which in turn creates parts of the DNA, membrane and so on which then create membrane and chromosomes. The next step is organelles within the cell and the final step is the cell.
It cracks me up (almost as much as Ali.G) to have a vague understanding of how we are built up, from the smallest atoms into molecules -> amino acids -> proteins -> DNA and organelles -> cells -> organs -> and humans.
It seems automatic. The blueprint was certainly not available 1 billion years ago. But today, small atoms form molecules because they have different valence electrons and so that’s where we have the amino acids. And they form into proteins, which in turn… yea you get it.
And when do these tiny atoms actually start to become aware of them selves, like our brain. It's wicked to read about this stuff.
Like some of it is so smart and well functioned that it’s straight out ridiculous.
Who came up with this?
Small tiny atoms and molecules that just could test their way forward they did’nt have any science lab and they don’t even have eyes or a brain for that sake.
If a tree comes out of one cell. Could we look at that cell and see that 12,4m above the ground the first branch will be at an angle of x,y.
How much information is actually in the DNA?
The tree is depending so much on its nutrition, solar hours and so on and on.
Well it must be the same with humans, we are born but the DNA just don't do that much?
(Question mark because that's just me guessing)
I asked my lecturer and we agreed on the fact the we actually don''t know how much that is inherited from the DNA and what's environmental factors.
/Some late night writing after a long reading session
Not 3dited or anythang but it was just for my self to get my head around what I just read
The cell membrane however is made of a double lipid layer. Where the Polar head is made up of a charged group and its tail that connects with the other lipid is negative.
The tail consists of a hydrocarbon chain. Water molecules are so small that they can go right through the bilayer.
But molecules can’t go through it. Molecules and especially ions can be helped by a protein. The protein creates a channel in the membrane in which the molecule or ion can pass through.
Atoms link together to create molecules. They are considered inorganic so far.
For example Amino acids link together to form proteins which in turn creates parts of the DNA, membrane and so on which then create membrane and chromosomes. The next step is organelles within the cell and the final step is the cell.
It cracks me up (almost as much as Ali.G) to have a vague understanding of how we are built up, from the smallest atoms into molecules -> amino acids -> proteins -> DNA and organelles -> cells -> organs -> and humans.
It seems automatic. The blueprint was certainly not available 1 billion years ago. But today, small atoms form molecules because they have different valence electrons and so that’s where we have the amino acids. And they form into proteins, which in turn… yea you get it.
And when do these tiny atoms actually start to become aware of them selves, like our brain. It's wicked to read about this stuff.
Like some of it is so smart and well functioned that it’s straight out ridiculous.
Who came up with this?
Small tiny atoms and molecules that just could test their way forward they did’nt have any science lab and they don’t even have eyes or a brain for that sake.
If a tree comes out of one cell. Could we look at that cell and see that 12,4m above the ground the first branch will be at an angle of x,y.
How much information is actually in the DNA?
The tree is depending so much on its nutrition, solar hours and so on and on.
Well it must be the same with humans, we are born but the DNA just don't do that much?
(Question mark because that's just me guessing)
I asked my lecturer and we agreed on the fact the we actually don''t know how much that is inherited from the DNA and what's environmental factors.
/Some late night writing after a long reading session
Not 3dited or anythang but it was just for my self to get my head around what I just read
Be critical
I had a discussion with some close friends the other day about what kind of chiro, doctor, lecturer, classmate or professor we did NOT want to have.
The person who is always right and always have an answer to every question even if he doesn’t know the answer.
A person who just talks,,, WITHOUT being critical to his sources or his way of understanding them.
Say you ask him if the foetus is sharing blood with the mother. He starts rambling on the subject even thou he does not know and when you tell him that you’ve just read up on the subject and you to tell him your opinion he just wont consider it.
I think it’s very unprofessional to not be able to say that you don’t know or that you cant be a 100% sure about this and that you have to look it up.
Many sources are unreliable, 50% of what we learn at uni. will be gone in a couple of years they keep telling us.
Realise that no source is a 100% and that is why you can’t hold on to your point of view with a 100% certainty.
It is possible that you might have misunderstood them.
Please be critical to everything and chill out.
And yes its okay to be wrong but in a school situation it's not that important to be right, rather say what you know and be open for a discussion.
måndag 3 augusti 2009
måndag 27 juli 2009
Last weeko in Sweden
Its Monday, in a week I am 10,000ft up in the air.
Tomorrow morning I will go on yet another trip to Herrljunga. Which will be very relaxing. Will stay there for a couple of days eating blueberries and just njoing.
After that I will make it out to Öland for my last two days with Fiffster, Lukas, Dimi and the rest of the Öland crew. Will be damn nice since I am hooked on riding kickers and sliders and they got some stuff over there. Also be nice to see Fiffster which I have´nt seen this summer.
Right now my mum is screaming at me to jump in the car, I gotta go help her out.
After that I am off to the secret spot for some blueberry picking
tisdag 14 juli 2009
Landskrona Shallow Water Festival
Last Wednesday I jumped on the train to Goteborg. After a 45min pizza-stop with Linda in Herrljunga I meet up with my ex-flat mate and long time friend Linda and Nils.
I slept at Nils 18sqm apartment. You soon realize that he is a dedicated Kite and Wake rider. He got ton´s of gear from years back. It´s good to have if you ever need spare parts and I agree with him.
We slept after watching some nice movies and woke up early and took off to Landskrona for the competition.
It was gusty and it was 3 months since I kited the last time + I had been edging in the cablepark for almost 10 days so it was a bit sketchy. Did´nt land much in my heats.
Instead my leash broke in both my heats and I had to run for my kite.
Anton won both stairs today. He has really improved even thou he was good back then but this year was crazy. He does so many tricks, powered.
He threw such a nice grabbed KGB.
Grabs looks so damn nice, that´s what I am going to start to implement.
Next morning the wind came from another direction. Much smoother. I went out and did two back2wrapped in a row, another three s2blind´s.
My first heat was unfortunately against Nils. I landed a powered s2blind r2blind och some backrolls and I came out as the winner.
Next heat was against Calle. I think I actually did´nt land much against him maybe a r2blind but he had a really bad heat and did´nt land a thing so I won this one aswell.
In the final it was me against Martin who has won a couple of comps.
The wind was stronger and we had to be on out 9´s.
I think he had a bad heat, it was choppy and shallow. I landed some basic tricks and managed to throw a clean s2blind with lots of speed and I did´nt see Martin Land anything so I came out as the winner. SICK sheit I was stoked.
For the last stair Anton was clearly in the lead and me and Martin was just behind with the same point.
In the Semi I was up against Martin again. It was light wind. I borrowed Anton´s 16m and Martin was on his 15m. It was epic.
The yellow flag came up and after 3 seconds I landed what felt was a nice b2wrapped good speed away and everything. I went again and landed a R2blind, after I went for a powered s2blind but I crashed even thou it felt so good.
Landed one afterwards but crashed a b2blind and another back2wrapped.
Martin did a superheat and landed around 5 handlepasses including a powered kiteloop handlepass and he was the winner. Felt good anyways that I had done my best.
Was cool to see all the boot riders Dre, Pepä, Claes, Neven and Nils.
To me it just looks 1000x better with boots. It´s good thou that people are pushing this shit in different directions but I clearly know what I think looks better.
I hope more of the talents down there put them on, It´s so much comfier (and cooler ;)
Thank you Skånepågar for throwing such cool parties and Sourra for the Scoop sticker.
Puss å kram
onsdag 17 juni 2009
Flying back
On Saturday I had a pre party fr my class that became pretty wild. We went to Metro, which was pumping. I mean heaps of people this night.
I woke up on Sunday at 12.15 by a text from Martin asking me when it was okey to get down to a cleaned house. I got up and began cleaning up yesterday’s beer bottles.
About 3 weeks ago Malin and I realized that we were booked in on the same flight from Perth to London. The trip went so much faster with some company.
After a day on the road at London’s airport our planes where delayed. Malin was flying to Oslo and her plane was before mine. She got on her plane at last and I sat back waiting for mine which was now 1,5 hours late.
I considered calling my parents since they were supposed to travel by car for 2,5 hours to pick me up. Well a bit before it was about to depart they canceled the plane!!!
I ring my parents up and they had been driving for almost two hours. I felt sorry for them but there was nothing one could do.
We all went to get our baggage and for rebooking. It took us many hours but finally we were on a bus to Radisson’s 4 star hotel. During this time I had met another Swede, Peter. They booked us in to the same room. We also met Paulo Roberto and his film crew, they had been in Italy to record his show Primo Paulo.
We went down to the hotel bar to have a look for some fun but it was not that interesting. A whole bunch of people from Stuttgart who were in the same seat as us.
We went to bed and this next morning we used the breakfast buffet voucher’s to get ourself filled up. ☺ Respect for providing free internet over at Radisson.
At the airport in London we got meal tickets for 15pounds so I’ve had a lot of good sushi today, a bit too much :D
I woke up on Sunday at 12.15 by a text from Martin asking me when it was okey to get down to a cleaned house. I got up and began cleaning up yesterday’s beer bottles.
About 3 weeks ago Malin and I realized that we were booked in on the same flight from Perth to London. The trip went so much faster with some company.
After a day on the road at London’s airport our planes where delayed. Malin was flying to Oslo and her plane was before mine. She got on her plane at last and I sat back waiting for mine which was now 1,5 hours late.
I considered calling my parents since they were supposed to travel by car for 2,5 hours to pick me up. Well a bit before it was about to depart they canceled the plane!!!
I ring my parents up and they had been driving for almost two hours. I felt sorry for them but there was nothing one could do.
We all went to get our baggage and for rebooking. It took us many hours but finally we were on a bus to Radisson’s 4 star hotel. During this time I had met another Swede, Peter. They booked us in to the same room. We also met Paulo Roberto and his film crew, they had been in Italy to record his show Primo Paulo.
We went down to the hotel bar to have a look for some fun but it was not that interesting. A whole bunch of people from Stuttgart who were in the same seat as us.
We went to bed and this next morning we used the breakfast buffet voucher’s to get ourself filled up. ☺ Respect for providing free internet over at Radisson.
At the airport in London we got meal tickets for 15pounds so I’ve had a lot of good sushi today, a bit too much :D
lördag 30 maj 2009
BMS exam
Our toughest exam starts in 1 hour. I meet people in our class with red eyes and sacks under their eyes. Me myself am a bit dizzy. Mostly because of this shit sickening thing I've got.
I went down to my local pharmacist this morning and described my problems. I wanna get rid of this mucous in my throat asap.
As a friend told me this morning. You don't go to the gym the same day as your weight lifting competition is. We will see if it's a good thing or not.
I think we all will be doing pretty okey on this one, just an hour left and I want to chill during this hour.
BMS / Introduction to Human Body
PS. Yeah it felt bigger when I was up there ;)
I went down to my local pharmacist this morning and described my problems. I wanna get rid of this mucous in my throat asap.
As a friend told me this morning. You don't go to the gym the same day as your weight lifting competition is. We will see if it's a good thing or not.
I think we all will be doing pretty okey on this one, just an hour left and I want to chill during this hour.
BMS / Introduction to Human Body
PS. Yeah it felt bigger when I was up there ;)

onsdag 20 maj 2009
Semester 1 completed
I remember the initiation week. And now its week 14 or something.
It's Wednesday today and Friday is our last day with lectures, after that it's just the one week study break and then the two weeks of exams.
Lots of studying a head now but that's fun, for the most part. I get to learn so much especially before a test. I have learnt heaps since I came here.
Writing essays for example. I got 27% on my first one (You need 50% to pass) And today I got 55% on my second one, without anyone proof reading it.

Well I will hopefully pass all my units and hopefully get a HG (High distinction 80%) in chemistry. My big problem is my writing, my Swedish accent is all good ;)
I bought a surfboard and I can actually turn a bit and go with the wave, catching it and standing up is a piece of cake.
Looking forward to a summer in Sweden
Biking is awesome, especially when you're not in a hurry and the sun is shining
It's Wednesday today and Friday is our last day with lectures, after that it's just the one week study break and then the two weeks of exams.
Lots of studying a head now but that's fun, for the most part. I get to learn so much especially before a test. I have learnt heaps since I came here.
Writing essays for example. I got 27% on my first one (You need 50% to pass) And today I got 55% on my second one, without anyone proof reading it.
Well I will hopefully pass all my units and hopefully get a HG (High distinction 80%) in chemistry. My big problem is my writing, my Swedish accent is all good ;)
I bought a surfboard and I can actually turn a bit and go with the wave, catching it and standing up is a piece of cake.
Looking forward to a summer in Sweden
Biking is awesome, especially when you're not in a hurry and the sun is shining
Eating, eating and eating
It feels like many people in western society think about food, A LOT.
Food is everywhere and still, some people are obsessed with it.

I mean, it´s good to keep track on what you are eating. There is so much junk food out there, so you better watch out.
But it seems like as soon as you start thinking about what you’re putting in your mouth it has no stop to how much you can think about it.

Since the mind is always thinking about it. It becomes a big thing. People should instead try to listen more to their bodies actual need instead of their minds.
I just wanted to have that out of the way. What I want to write about is the error I see people do, that make me cry (not really but you get it).
The big bad carbohydrate that is turning you into a fat monster.

You feel good after your training session.
You are feeling that you’re on the right track, that you’re getting more fit and you don’t want to destroy the feeling by putting *!”€#&%/carbohydrates in your body.
If you really hate carbohydrates. It’s on one occasion where I really want you to eat them. It is post training. (post= after) The body makes use of them immediately.
If you ever want to live a more balanced life where you don’t have to think so much about what you are eating, do yourself the favour and eat carbohydrates after you have been to the gym, been running or whatever you do when you’re working out. Don’t go to bed after a one hour session and tell me you ate 3 hours ago.
If you do, it will come back to you and you will never be able to live that jingYang lifestyle.

1-2 grams carbohydrate per kg is recommended post training. If you weigh 70kg’s you should eat approximately 100grams of carbs. That is 1/5 of a typical spaghetti package (Not in America of course).
I am not an expert in nutrition so don’t take what I write to seriously but do consider it. You will feel much better during the day and the day after if your body get its deserved carbs after training.
Food is everywhere and still, some people are obsessed with it.
I mean, it´s good to keep track on what you are eating. There is so much junk food out there, so you better watch out.
But it seems like as soon as you start thinking about what you’re putting in your mouth it has no stop to how much you can think about it.
Since the mind is always thinking about it. It becomes a big thing. People should instead try to listen more to their bodies actual need instead of their minds.
I just wanted to have that out of the way. What I want to write about is the error I see people do, that make me cry (not really but you get it).
The big bad carbohydrate that is turning you into a fat monster.
You feel good after your training session.
You are feeling that you’re on the right track, that you’re getting more fit and you don’t want to destroy the feeling by putting *!”€#&%/carbohydrates in your body.
If you really hate carbohydrates. It’s on one occasion where I really want you to eat them. It is post training. (post= after) The body makes use of them immediately.
If you ever want to live a more balanced life where you don’t have to think so much about what you are eating, do yourself the favour and eat carbohydrates after you have been to the gym, been running or whatever you do when you’re working out. Don’t go to bed after a one hour session and tell me you ate 3 hours ago.
If you do, it will come back to you and you will never be able to live that jingYang lifestyle.

1-2 grams carbohydrate per kg is recommended post training. If you weigh 70kg’s you should eat approximately 100grams of carbs. That is 1/5 of a typical spaghetti package (Not in America of course).
I am not an expert in nutrition so don’t take what I write to seriously but do consider it. You will feel much better during the day and the day after if your body get its deserved carbs after training.
söndag 10 maj 2009

I morse på Trigg beach, woohoo surfing. There was a couple of dolphins a 20 meter outside of the line up, 90% of us went in, I was one of them but just for a couple of minutes til the danger was cleared.

Me and Benn posing

AND yes I have heard that my grandpa reads this blog
Lasse, can you please figure out how to comment and make a comment.
onsdag 22 april 2009
On Thursday tomorrow we are having our mid semester exam. It is about human anatomy, human body evolution, cells and tissues, organs of the body and probably some more stuff. Well I really need to study now. It´s 9pm (That´s in the evening)
I was off in school at 11.30 am today and was about to study, got stuck on one of the computers til 2pm. Internet is so damn addictive to me it´s not even funny.
I am so glad that I don’t have it at home. Sometimes you miss it because it´s something you want to look up on wikipedia or something. But you get used to it.
I am actually studying when I get home, and pretty efficient. It´s not like last fall when I was checking Facebook or Surfzone every five minutes.
Well I came home and was about to study. Laurenz texted me and said it was windy at Woodies and said I should meet him there in 10minutes. I just cannot say no to that so I ate my spaghetti and took off. Laurenz was filming the whole thing. Anders also came down just a bit after when I said it was windy. We had a really cool session were I landed my first invertedfront2Blind.
Was stoked to show Anders the raley2wrapped I learned yesterday even thou my hand was sore due to me for the first time putting the rope between my middle fingers. Gotta make that scar tissue grow between your fingers haha.
Some things I have done in the last weeks that increased my riding skills is.
Shorten the lines to 20meters – Cannot believe why I have not done this before. Everything is just better this way except that it takes a few meters extra to get going fast but as soon as you get going you are all fine.
Having the rope in between my fingers – Seriously just do it if your kite is not staying in the same spot. It takes max ten raleys and then it feels normal.
Listen and looking at the guys in the snowkite movie Dimensions and their crashes. You have actually no excuse to not go more powerful when you are doing flat water tricks and its pretty deep water. Ask JohanW if you can excuse yourself when its 10cm of water.
And yes Anders the damn power machine was also trying Raley2wrapped and he passed the bar in the air!...Twice what I could see.
Unfortunately he did not stick anyone of them today.
1. I got no reflexes in my knees?
2. Neanderthals existed just 30.000 YA. Its not that long ago if you think that Christ was around 2000YA
3. Humans lost a gene that Chimpanzees still have which make their muscles 4-7 times stronger the humans.
4. In the ear there is this complicated thing and its walls are filled with sensitive cells. It contains fluid and register how the body is twisted.
5. Does the electron stop moving when we get down to absolute zero? (-273.15ºC)
tisdag 21 april 2009
Such a good day
I was gonna be some southerly winds yesterday. I was push biking home at two.
I was on the water at 3 or 3.30
There was some small kicker waves coming in on woddies.
Managed to do two flat3's over them, super funny.
also landed my first raley2wraps. They are in the movie.
Woodmans sessions
People all over are making so good movies now check these ones out www.onshore.se
Stoked to see that everyone is doing so good. Will soon be coming some videos of Anders up aswell. That guy goes with so much power into his tricks, especially his mobes. He needs a bigger board and a pair of boots now.
Catcha Later
I was on the water at 3 or 3.30
There was some small kicker waves coming in on woddies.
Managed to do two flat3's over them, super funny.
also landed my first raley2wraps. They are in the movie.
Woodmans sessions
People all over are making so good movies now check these ones out www.onshore.se
Stoked to see that everyone is doing so good. Will soon be coming some videos of Anders up aswell. That guy goes with so much power into his tricks, especially his mobes. He needs a bigger board and a pair of boots now.
Catcha Later
måndag 13 april 2009
My Stomach is rumbling, I have to have some popcorn.
Just got back from uni today on Easter Monday. I finally handed in my Chiro essay which is due tomorrow. Felt good but I have no idea what I will get for it. It was about Chiropractic history its rifts and solutions to it.
While we are talking about popcorn. Everybody in the house is now eating popcorn. It´s the ultimate food. When we get back late in the night everybody is having popcorn (Credit Vick) and Milk (Credit Mike)
We had such a night on Saturday night. We had been at the Casino nightclub. Laura, Mike, Danni and I came home. Unfortunately we managed to wake Allie and Martin up. Allie was hit by a car a few days ago and is not feeling to well. Our after popcorn party was not so suitable.
After four ours of sleep I managed to get up and on my way to Walters point.
Malin and Sunniva, Laurenz, Nick & Mish and several others were already there.
At 1.30 I was going home with my car and met Anders on the way in my car. He had just finished on his job and convinced me to go back and eat and come back for some filming.
I am so lucky I got back. We filmed a lot of cool shots were Anders is jumping over a group of japanese tourists. I also did everything.
YES - We are going to put together a movie.

Tomorrow evening Laurenz, Sunni, Malin and I are going on our first trip. Up to Geraldton. We be back at monday. Laurenz so badly wanna jump from his car down into the water, will be cool
Happy Easter everyone
Just got back from uni today on Easter Monday. I finally handed in my Chiro essay which is due tomorrow. Felt good but I have no idea what I will get for it. It was about Chiropractic history its rifts and solutions to it.
While we are talking about popcorn. Everybody in the house is now eating popcorn. It´s the ultimate food. When we get back late in the night everybody is having popcorn (Credit Vick) and Milk (Credit Mike)
We had such a night on Saturday night. We had been at the Casino nightclub. Laura, Mike, Danni and I came home. Unfortunately we managed to wake Allie and Martin up. Allie was hit by a car a few days ago and is not feeling to well. Our after popcorn party was not so suitable.
After four ours of sleep I managed to get up and on my way to Walters point.
Malin and Sunniva, Laurenz, Nick & Mish and several others were already there.
At 1.30 I was going home with my car and met Anders on the way in my car. He had just finished on his job and convinced me to go back and eat and come back for some filming.
I am so lucky I got back. We filmed a lot of cool shots were Anders is jumping over a group of japanese tourists. I also did everything.
YES - We are going to put together a movie.

Tomorrow evening Laurenz, Sunni, Malin and I are going on our first trip. Up to Geraldton. We be back at monday. Laurenz so badly wanna jump from his car down into the water, will be cool
Happy Easter everyone
tisdag 24 mars 2009
It still turns...
The other day I read a thing about Galileo Galilei.
He was put in front of the Roman Inquisition for having said that the earth was moving around the sun. The church did not like these thoughts.
He had to announce publicly that he had made a mistake and that the Earth was still the center of universe.
You can now call him a coward for recanting his words instead of facing the torture and eventually death. But he knew that it did not matter what he said.
Nothing could change that the world was not the center of the universe. He or the church could not say anything that would change that the Earth was not the center of the universe.
I would guess he was having a laugh for him self and there is roumors that he had said quietly at the end of the inquisition "it still turns"
I am in the library. I am writing on my first essay.
Immortality, or a greatly increased lifespan, will be possible as disease is controlled and ageing understood. What will be the ramifications for humankind of eternal youth?
That´s my essay question. Feel free to post any comments on that I know that my brother Oskar got something to say about that. I guess people get wiser when they get older.
Today I am having problems to concentrate. I am trying to hide from everyone. So I can sit and read and write for myself. I can´t blame anyone for disturbing me though. It´s I who does´nt wanna do something. I feel deserved of that. BECAUSE we had our first two test yesterday.
Chemistry was easy for me as I did it last fall in Sweden. Chiro was a bit harder but that was not because lack of studying it was because I and Martin was studying every bone and muscle in the body when we should have been studying fitness programs, bmi and stuff like that.
I got 7/10 on my first quizz, Martin got 6/10. That gave me a good laugh. Not because I got more then him but because he got so pissed.
Well I should really do some stuff now and be effective because the wind is coming tomorrow.
I am putting up a picture of a Tomping lookálike and a picture of a Mexican boy
Can you see the similarity?

Immortality, or a greatly increased lifespan, will be possible as disease is controlled and ageing understood. What will be the ramifications for humankind of eternal youth?
That´s my essay question. Feel free to post any comments on that I know that my brother Oskar got something to say about that. I guess people get wiser when they get older.
Today I am having problems to concentrate. I am trying to hide from everyone. So I can sit and read and write for myself. I can´t blame anyone for disturbing me though. It´s I who does´nt wanna do something. I feel deserved of that. BECAUSE we had our first two test yesterday.
Chemistry was easy for me as I did it last fall in Sweden. Chiro was a bit harder but that was not because lack of studying it was because I and Martin was studying every bone and muscle in the body when we should have been studying fitness programs, bmi and stuff like that.
I got 7/10 on my first quizz, Martin got 6/10. That gave me a good laugh. Not because I got more then him but because he got so pissed.
Well I should really do some stuff now and be effective because the wind is coming tomorrow.
I am putting up a picture of a Tomping lookálike and a picture of a Mexican boy
Can you see the similarity?

tisdag 17 mars 2009
Rotto camp
I wanted to go the foam party on my school on friday but everybody wanted to go to bed early so I phoned Laurenz. He was at a houseparty 20min from us.
Martin made me take my bike and go.
Good partystyle they´ve got here. Party had been on from 2AM, lot´s of fun people.
Ended upp staying there until 3PM!
Next morning it was time for the early Rotto-camp. Initiation for us 1st years.
Can´t really tell you much about what happended there. Lot´s of fun stuff what I have heard. They made us drink beer bong and have shot´s. Aussies can drink!
A scary thing though was that a guy got bitten by a shark like 200 meter away from us when we were the swimming. So today when I was kiting I kept close to the shore.
Oo yes I am eating my popcorn everyday. As my doctors tells me to do :)
Martin made me take my bike and go.
Good partystyle they´ve got here. Party had been on from 2AM, lot´s of fun people.
Ended upp staying there until 3PM!
Next morning it was time for the early Rotto-camp. Initiation for us 1st years.
Can´t really tell you much about what happended there. Lot´s of fun stuff what I have heard. They made us drink beer bong and have shot´s. Aussies can drink!
A scary thing though was that a guy got bitten by a shark like 200 meter away from us when we were the swimming. So today when I was kiting I kept close to the shore.
Oo yes I am eating my popcorn everyday. As my doctors tells me to do :)
Film 1
Just made myself a stativ. Filmed for an hour at woodies.
Jo styling it with the blind landings.
onsdag 11 mars 2009
Today me, Shane and Aaron decided to bring tequila to the party in Rottnest Island on Saturday. Could be pretty cool. We are gonna sleep over there. It´s a party for the Chiro students and I have heard rumours that UWA student are also going there.
On Friday there is a foam party for the whole school...wicked!
I am so thankfull that I got into Chiropractic and not sports science as I did from the start. My mates down here are into Sports science and they wanna be transferred the next year but just 1 out of 4 get´s transferred and they go strictly on your grades.
We had our first Chiro quiz today. Mark said it was going to be SOOOO easy but it was harder then I thought. I think I did okey on it with some luck ;)
On friday we have done our first four weeks in school and it´s time for our first school break. SPRING BREAK

Looks like it´s going to be wind 6/7 days so that will be nice. Will just go for a few hours per day though. Gotta study and I become so tired if I do full days.
Tomorrow will I go woodies with some people and film and on friday we are going to Safety Bay also to film.
I have this new thing I really want to learn. It´s a powered back2wrapped not passing just landing with speed and after 5 meters pop back. That looks so stylish I think and it´s not often you see kiters do that.
I repaired my board since my inserts were ripped out for the third time.

It´s holding together fine and I was teaching on it last week.
Virrans PRO kite school as Tove so nicely named it :)
My kiteschool is now up 20 dollar since my first two student crashed my kite and ripped it =/ Well there´s been more costs and I have gotten my paycheck.
After this studybreak on monday we have 2 assignments. One hour Chemistry and one hour Chi 109.

Shane pretending to be me
The team selling tickets for the Laulau Party
Shane my love and Liz the Lizzard
I am helping the girls with some cell biology
On Friday there is a foam party for the whole school...wicked!
I am so thankfull that I got into Chiropractic and not sports science as I did from the start. My mates down here are into Sports science and they wanna be transferred the next year but just 1 out of 4 get´s transferred and they go strictly on your grades.
We had our first Chiro quiz today. Mark said it was going to be SOOOO easy but it was harder then I thought. I think I did okey on it with some luck ;)
On friday we have done our first four weeks in school and it´s time for our first school break. SPRING BREAK

Looks like it´s going to be wind 6/7 days so that will be nice. Will just go for a few hours per day though. Gotta study and I become so tired if I do full days.
Tomorrow will I go woodies with some people and film and on friday we are going to Safety Bay also to film.
I have this new thing I really want to learn. It´s a powered back2wrapped not passing just landing with speed and after 5 meters pop back. That looks so stylish I think and it´s not often you see kiters do that.
I repaired my board since my inserts were ripped out for the third time.

It´s holding together fine and I was teaching on it last week.
Virrans PRO kite school as Tove so nicely named it :)
My kiteschool is now up 20 dollar since my first two student crashed my kite and ripped it =/ Well there´s been more costs and I have gotten my paycheck.
After this studybreak on monday we have 2 assignments. One hour Chemistry and one hour Chi 109.

Shane pretending to be me

onsdag 4 mars 2009
But I mean
I my waken time goes to study. It's not always easy when all they do is speka english and they always take the big step forward in all subjects, we are suppose to know so much all the time.
The tempo at komvux i Gothenburg was a bit slower hehe.
The tempo at komvux i Gothenburg was a bit slower hehe.
tisdag 3 mars 2009
How good everything gets
Today I just realized when I was driving back home from the kite session how good everything is. This can be tough to hear when you´re walking in watery snow and freezing wind (not at the same time of course)
I live with 4 great flatmates. In a very nice house located where I always wanted to live, in an old hippie town. All my lectures and classes in school are interesting and after school I go out on butter flat water for a couple of hours.
Then I go home to study and on the weekends we go out.
It´s warm except in the morning were it gets a bit chilly but that´s alright.
Okey I just had to write this so sumtime in the future I can look back and remember how good things were.
PS. I landed another 20 back2wrapped today, it´s so got damn easy that my grandmother can do it. Just do it man.
1. Hold the rope between your fingers
2. Kite 35 degres
3. Good edge
4. Pull
5. Commit
6. HOLD!!! and pass
I live with 4 great flatmates. In a very nice house located where I always wanted to live, in an old hippie town. All my lectures and classes in school are interesting and after school I go out on butter flat water for a couple of hours.
Then I go home to study and on the weekends we go out.
It´s warm except in the morning were it gets a bit chilly but that´s alright.
Okey I just had to write this so sumtime in the future I can look back and remember how good things were.
PS. I landed another 20 back2wrapped today, it´s so got damn easy that my grandmother can do it. Just do it man.
1. Hold the rope between your fingers
2. Kite 35 degres
3. Good edge
4. Pull
5. Commit
6. HOLD!!! and pass
lördag 28 februari 2009
Do I know you?
Wahahah yesterday everything just clicked, I did 8 mobes in a row then another 12.
U see I did like 8/10.
It was that easy. I realized that I was not holding onto the bar before.
Trick looks rad and I will have it filmed today and put out here.
And yes I know you :D
Chiro student party yesterday with free beer. Everything that´s free tastes so good and that results in...I hope I did´nt blow my mobe neurons.
U see I did like 8/10.
It was that easy. I realized that I was not holding onto the bar before.
Trick looks rad and I will have it filmed today and put out here.
And yes I know you :D
Chiro student party yesterday with free beer. Everything that´s free tastes so good and that results in...I hope I did´nt blow my mobe neurons.
onsdag 25 februari 2009
Det regnade idag

Så ingen ide att komma hit. Fått lite requests på hur vi bor.
My car got fixed today.
There´s a big Chiro Party on friday which is gonna be the bomb.
I´ve got a lot to study, that´s what I do.
Kiting on Friday
Ok here´s the pictures
Takes me 10min to bike to the station and another 25 to get to the school.
Mike is a 23y old Aussie he is living with us now. Great guy!
tisdag 17 februari 2009
Scheiise, no soft start for us. We have had three classes so far.
today on "introduction to the human body" he went straight onto the cell.
I guess that it wa'snt many of the 350 people in that room who understood that much.
I was gonna go for a kite today with a mate I met yesterday in the pub, but it's just to hectic here now. Need top print out everything and have it on my wall. Week schedules and recommended readings before class.
Martin and I bought big posters today of the skeleton and muscular system.
We are gonna have it in the kitchen so we can have a look at it everyday.
This morning I somehow managed to get an hour late the out first Chiro LAB.
Damn that's bad. I got shit for that by the second year student's.
They are so funny. One of them, Rodd. Funny guy. He came to me after class and asked me if he could get my picture to his class. They are going to come in to my class and hit me with a water balloon. I had to say yes since I was late.
He is also going around in the class asking random stuff about the body and if we don't know there is a punishment hahaha.
In the house so far
Laura (England)
So Larua got her room yesterday :)
We get internet in the house in about three weeks so not much blogging for now I guess.
I am heading home now, catcha later
today on "introduction to the human body" he went straight onto the cell.
I guess that it wa'snt many of the 350 people in that room who understood that much.
I was gonna go for a kite today with a mate I met yesterday in the pub, but it's just to hectic here now. Need top print out everything and have it on my wall. Week schedules and recommended readings before class.
Martin and I bought big posters today of the skeleton and muscular system.
We are gonna have it in the kitchen so we can have a look at it everyday.
This morning I somehow managed to get an hour late the out first Chiro LAB.
Damn that's bad. I got shit for that by the second year student's.
They are so funny. One of them, Rodd. Funny guy. He came to me after class and asked me if he could get my picture to his class. They are going to come in to my class and hit me with a water balloon. I had to say yes since I was late.
He is also going around in the class asking random stuff about the body and if we don't know there is a punishment hahaha.
In the house so far
Laura (England)
So Larua got her room yesterday :)
We get internet in the house in about three weeks so not much blogging for now I guess.
I am heading home now, catcha later
söndag 15 februari 2009
What´s cracking yo

Yesterday we went out to Little Creatures to start with. We were so many people there. Nick had already drunk two bottles of wine beforehand :X
It was all fun. Then when we were going to the club at 12ish people dropped of.
People were going to repark their cars haha and had lot´s. But yeah that´s right. At least ten were going to the club.
I was just on the street, it´s so much people and warm. And when I finally was going to drive home. The ignition in my car just did´nt work. Haha I was laughing my ass off buy this point. Yeahyeah, Peter and the Aussie girl I was gonna drive home had to push my car a few times until it finally started. Use second gear if you ever are gonna push start your car. 1:st gear is just to heavy
OK so I drive them home, and ending up in my new garage. And the car won´t turn off.
I put the hand brake in and 4 gear and let go of the clutch quickly. POOM the engine died but not the lights, fan, AC. This was hilarious.
Ok so I went in and got a screw driver. Opened the "huv" and had to undo the battery.
Today it´s sunday, my phone is out of battery and my car is´nt working. I managed to sneak in to my neighbors internet so all good.
Tonight we have a few more prospective tenants coming over.
/English week in the house
PS. I uploaded a picture of the polish family (beacause they got so much stuff) and also a picture when we are on an auction getting CHEAP stuff.
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