söndag 7 mars 2010

Funny stories from Bali

These trips disappears out of your memory so fast so I want to write some about how it is here.
Will update this post regularly til Sunday when I put up my pics.

DAY 1 Friday--------------------------------

Arrived at 2 pm. with Mish nd Nick.
I get to the luggage pickup and some balienesean guy picks up my surfboard and start carrying towards the exit I'm like fine, he takes it thru customs and for those 30meters he wants 50kr. I'm LMAO (laughing my ass off) and we agrees on 10kr.
Nick is laughing so much by now that I got hustled.
A minute later someone is carrying Nick's bag a few meters and Nick has to pay 35kr for that, my time to laugh.

It says that you're supposed to pay 25kr to Kuta.
The driver will not drive us for less then 50kr plus that he wants 40kr extra cuz I'm bringin a surfboard. Yeahyeah we pay him and I'm telling him that he's the best hustler I've ever met.

We find a cheap hotel for 80kr a night. After a quick meal I head down to Kuta beach to try some waves out. Man I was impressed over the waves even thou the closed out fast. So easy to catch, another thing then Perth. The rain is pouring down but no one cares. Most surfers are Balinesean. They are screaming, go,,go,,go..!!!
Nick comes out after a while with a longboard and catch his first few waves.
We're stoked.

We do some shopping because I came with nothing, zero, just my board and two books in my boardbag. We have dinner and talk with some people about the surf and are in bed by 11pm.

DAY 2 Saturday-----------------------------------------

We hear that the waves were going to be crappy this morning so we sleep in and then we rent some motorbikes. Our plan is to head down to Dreamland a 30min trip.
Shesus after 50meters the police pull me over. I think it's funny. He wants 100kr for some un correct turn and then another 50 for not having a international drivers license. I'm laughing and think the whole thing is pretty funny, manages to get it down to 100kr total and heads on. 10minutes later there's another cop pulling me over. Guy wants to see my driver's license.
First time was fun now its just getting expensive. The police man tries it a bit and I get kinda angry, yells at him that he can call his friends in Kuta and that I'm not paying anything more today, he just go,,go,,go..!!! (almost like the surfers)

Driving a scooter here felt funny in the beginning, luckily I did scooterDriving101 and 201 when I was a teenager. We get to Dreamland beach and there's no wave what so ever, just a big beachdump. We decide to head back to Legian which is just beside Kuta. When we get back I start talking to some guys, they're Swedish. They ask me if I wanna join to "Saronga?" tomorrow morning.

I head down to Legian beach and catch so many waves, no long runs but stoked anyways.
After that we head out to town to eat and then in bed by 9pm. Bought quite a few Bin-Tang shirts, they're selling stuff everywhere here.

DAY 3 Sunday ---------------------------------------------------

Waking up a 5:05 and have a few bananas and get myself ready to go.
Its pitch dark, walk over to the Swedish guys room and we head towards Saronga.
Drunk guys and girls are walking home with beers. We get there and its quite far out, but hey it looks good. The biggest ones are just over a man tall.
We get out there and after a while I catch one. It's a reef break and there's waves a bit here and there no consistency really.
We're in there til 9am and the guys are really good catching many waves, I get 4 waves and one being really good.

Have some breacky at the beach and then head home, sees Nick studying and I sit down and do the same for an hour. This afternoon we're getting out to Airport reef.

Getting out to airport left it look so good. I paddle into the waves with no hesitation, getting caught by the current and end up in the middle of a big set.
I'm getting tumbled again and again. Got so tired that I had to rest for almost an hour. My shoulders and back are full of lactate.
With the last 45min to go I manage to catch some waves. Biggest ones I've caught I guess.

Day 4 Monday----------------------------------------

Was meant to go to Serangen but lay awake til 12.30 and then I cancel it.
The other guys end up being to tired I realize at breakfast the next morning.
Goes for a short paddle with Nick at lunchtime after a few hours of study.
Hit up Airport left in the afternoon and the waves are a bit weak and choppy, catch some of them.
In the evening we head out for some beers with our neighbours and I get drunk, ohh yeah well fun.

Day 5 Tuesday---------------------------------------

Hangover in the morning, went for a session at Legian beside Kuta, was small tiny waves but it was all great. Studies during the day and at 4 I give it another go.
The swell has increased a bit, mostly close out but end up surfing with some American dude named Coper and we have some fun til the sun is down.
This evening I've been studying and tonight we're supposed to have a big night out otherwise its time for Serangan tomorrow morning

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

ja det är bra att du pluggar lite också. Man kan inte BARA surfa på en räkmacka.........